ABU Zaria best student shares success secrets 2017

 From Abdullahi Hassan, Zaria

A 23-year-old Al- Amin Bashir Bugaje, from Katsina State emerged the best graduating student at the 2017 convocation of the Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria with Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 4.93.

He got cash reward of N1m from the Chancellor of the university, Obi of Onitsha, Igwe Nnaemeka Alfred Achebe and scholarship from the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) up to PhD.

In an interview with The Education Report, Bugaje, revealed the secret of his success.

Tell us more about your background?

I am from Katsina State, I was born 23 years ago in Katsina. I hail from Bugaje and a son of a renowned banker, Malam Bashir Bugaje, a younger brother to Dr. Usman Bugaje, former Secretary of Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN).

I attended Therbow Primary School, Zaria and Turkish International school from 2006 2012 before getting admission into ABU to study Electrical Engineering. I obtained nine (9) credits with five distinctions in my West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). I had distinction in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, and Biology. I also scored 250 in JAMB and 230 Post UTME.

You emerged the best graduating student of ABU out of 8,260 students, how do you feel about this academic feat?

Honestly, I was excited, in fact I have never expected to be the best, but I thanked almighty God for that. It’s really a big challenge.

What is the secret of your success?

First of all, you have to know exactly what you do, secondly, you have to put it into practice. Acknowledge that you can make it and determine to achieve it. So it is all about commitment to learning and studying. I believed anybody that found himself in a good learning environment and is willing to learn can achieve what I achieved.

How did you study through your stay in ABU?

Very good question. You see every student has different ways of handling his/her studies. My own style is quite simple. I spent not less than five hours to read everyday. In other words, I read for only five of 12 hours of the day. Sometimes especially during examination, I read for only six hours. I read mostly in the evening before going to bed, from 8pm to 2pm. But I read and relax for every hour. I summarized what I read on a separate sheet of paper and try to ask myself some questions from my readings and attempt to answer them one by one. I did that for every subject and topics from my readings. In the morning, I try to read some topics in subject I have before going to lectures. In other words, I read ahead of lectures and the same thing after lecture. I looked at the topics and discuss them with my friends. So this is my secret, I don’t read throughout the day but I commit myself to learning every hour.

Does that mean you didn’t engage in any social interaction or activities on campus?

No, No, that is not correct. I tried all the time to restrict myself within limited time of my studies. I did participate in sports only in the evening hours, depending on my lecture timetable and I also participated in religious activities and in my state association programmes. Honestly, I had no much time for get together parties or any social programmes. In fact I related and interacted very well with my colleagues and I am popular among them, though I kept a little distance from some lecturers unless when it’s absolutely necessary like on academic issues.

What was your average GPA from first to final year?

Honestly, I cannot remember my exact CGPA at the first year but I know I got As in all my first year courses and I maintained above 4 or close to 5 points from 300 to 500level.

Engineering courses, particularly electrical, scare many, what motivated you to study the course?

I have passion for engineering right from my secondary school days in the Turkish International School. Luckily, I was opportune to have a sound background in Mathematics and Physics. Though my parent had different opinion about my choice, but later they accepted my choice and gave me all the encouragement which helped me to achieve this success.