exams guidelines

  The Nigerian National Policy on Education has over the years recognized the place of open and distance learning in achieving life long education and affirms that life long education shall be the basis of the nation’s education policy. It went further to state that at any stage of the educational process after junior secondary education, an individual shall be able to choose between continuing full-time studies, combining work with study, or embarking on full time employment without excluding the prospect of resuming studies later. According to the policy document, the goals of open and distance education are to

• Provide access to quality education and equity in educational opportunities for those who otherwise would have been denied. 

• Meet special needs of employers by mounting special certificate courses for their employees at their work place. 

• Encourage internationalization especially of tertiary education curricula. • Ameliorate the effect of internal and external brain drain in tertiary institutions by utilizing experts as teachers regardless of their locations or places of work.(NPE, 2004)